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LA vs. Hate

United Against Hate Week (Nov. 13-19, 2022) is a statewide call for seven days of local civic action by people in communities across California to stop hate and implicit biases that represent dangerous threats to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. This effort was created by civic leaders in direct response to the sharp rise in expressions of hate everywhere. The goal is to empower residents to take action and alter the course of this growing intolerance in their localities. When cities and their residents work together against hate, we can restore respect and civil discourse, embrace the strength of diversity and build inclusive and equitable communities for all.

Muralist, Brittany S. Price gazed up at the mural she created and named, "It's All for You"

This past Saturday the LA County Human Relations Commission culminated their Season of Solidarity Project with the unveiling of a beautiful mural in Willowbrook by artist Brittney Price. This is one of five murals across the County aimed at uplifting and celebrating cultural moments and traditions to showcase that unity is stronger than hate. The celebration acknowledged the creation of all of these artworks but also kicked off United Against Hate Week in LA County. Both initiatives are part of LA vs Hate, an initiative that partners with community-based organizations in efforts to end hate. Season of Solidarity has used culture, dialogue and connection to address the root issues of hate and division - extremely important at this moment and clearly aligned with what we at LA Commons are all about. We are one of many collaborators in this endeavor, a diverse coalition fighting back and enabling people in all five County districts to report hate acts and access supportive resources by calling 211. Learn more at:

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